written work
Here are a few of my written essays which have or will become the foundation for new creative work:
Recipes From The Future
4,694 words(2021)
*click here to download*
Collaboration & Collective Authorship
455 words(2021)
*click here to download*
Rocket Stove Construction
688 words(2021)
*click here to download*
How Can Graphic Art and Design Communicate Climate Change Issues and Assist Social Change That Aids the Environment?
13,133 words(2018)
Awarded 1:1
*click here to download*
Aesthetics of the Fish Waste Dilemma
(text from ‘Not So Nice’ booklet)
368 words(2018)
*click here to download*
You’re Being a Tool — manifesto
273 words(2021)
*click here to download*
VR at the GP
434 words(2021)
*click here to download*
Networks; Slowing; Agency
713 words(2021)
*click here to download*
Can Improved Equality in Decision Making Help Better Address the Climate Change Problem?
2019 words(2018)
Awarded 1:1
*click here to download*
The Nature/Culture Divide
203 words(2018)
*click here to download*